
Ehraam e Junoon is a Pakistani drama television series produced by Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi. Ehraam e Junoon Drama features cast Imran Abbas, Neelam Muneer, Nimra Khan in leading roles and many other supporting roles. The Drama Directed by Syed Ramish Rizivi and Writer is Jahanzeb Qamar under the banner of 7th Sky Entertainment. Ahram e Junoon Drama Episode 1 air on 8th May 2023 at 8:00 PM. The Drama Will be Broadcast on Official Channel on Har Pal Geo TV.

The main cast of Ahram e Junoon actress Neelam Muneer, Nimra Khan, and actor Imran Abbas. The drama also features a number of supporting cast members who play important roles, including actress Fahima Awan, Maira Khan, Zainab Qayyum, actor Aadi Khan, Mehmood Aslam, and many others.

Imran Abbas and Neelam Muneer are all set to star in 7th Sky Entertainment upcoming drama Ahraam e Junoon. The Ramish Rizvi directorial is written by Jahanzeb Qamar and will be airing on Geo TV.